Industrial Engineering
The Industrial Engineering Undergraduate Program trains well-rounded professionals, capable of efficiently managing companies due to their innovation culture, skills and knowledge of sustainable technologies. The education at our University allows them to become process experts and organization leaders with a professional performance based on moral and ethical principles, a commitment to business competitiveness and a society development-oriented vision.
Professionals with theoretical and practical knowledge to design, implement, lead, and improve production processes of goods and services, with a vision to increase business competitiveness and profitability. Our graduates also foster a culture of quality with ethical and moral principles, and also a bold commitment to the sustainable development of society.
We train well-rounded industrial engineers recognized for their skills to design, implement, and improve goods and services systems, who are also committed to innovation and sustainable development.
Excel in Latin America for the capacity of our industrial engineers to improve and innovate permanently, the impact of our research studies, and our contribution towards the development of society.
This is a flexible curriculum with a balance between sciences, technology, innovation, and sustainability. Furthermore, it comprises business management courses that ensure the proper training of versatile professionals with specific competences and skills to design, implement, lead, and improve production processes of goods and services.
The Industrial Engineering Undergraduate Program comprises 205 credits distributed in 10 academic terms.
Para ver el Reglamento General de Grados y Títulos, clic aquí.
- Tener la condición de egresado de la Carrera de Ingeniería Industrial.
- Contar con una constancia de prácticas preprofesionales (seis meses).
- Acreditar el conocimiento de inglés a nivel intermedio o avanzado.
- Haber aprobado un trabajo de investigación, que se denominará "Documento técnico de investigación (DTI)".
Consulta la Guía del alumno para realizar el trámite de diploma de bachiller.
Para ver las líneas de investigación, clic aquí.
- Tener el grado académico de bachiller en Ingeniería Industrial por la Universidad de Lima.
- Aprobar alguna de las modalidades de titulación.
- Realizar el trámite administrativo para obtener el diploma de título profesional.
Modalidades de titulación
Presentar una tesis, que puede desarrollarse en los siguientes formatos:
- Desarrollar una tesis a partir de un trabajo de investigación en formato tradicional.
- Desarrollar una tesis a partir de un trabajo de investigación en formato de artículo científico publicable.
Presentar un trabajo de suficiencia profesional en las siguientes modalidades:
- Presentar y sustentar un proyecto profesional en el que se apliquen las herramientas de ingeniería industrial.
- Presentar y sustentar un informe de experiencia profesional calificada que acredite haber aplicado los conocimientos y las herramientas de ingeniería industrial.
Para mayor detalle de los requisitos, modalidades y procedimientos, consulta los lineamientos complementarios.
Guía del alumno para realizar el trámite de diploma de título profesional
Trabajo de investigación (tesis)
- Términos de referencia de tesis
- Líneas de investigación
- Guía de presentación
- Instructivo para solicitud de ambiente de laboratorio
- Carta de autorización de la empresa para el uso de datos
Trabajo de suficiencia profesional
La Carrera de Ingeniería Industrial cuenta con siete diplomas de especialidad distribuidos en las seis áreas académicas.
Los bachilleres de la carrera que cumplan con los requisitos para obtener un diploma de especialidad podrán solicitarlo en la Oficina de Grados y Títulos.
Facultad de Ingeniería
Carrera de Ingeniería Industrial
Unidad de Grados y Títulos
Atención regular: Lunes a viernes de 8.00 a 14.30 y de 15.30 a 18.00 horas
Teléfono 4376767 anexos 35641 y 35642
Faltan nombres de especialidades y contenidos para este bloque.
This Specialist Certification provides students with specific competences and skills to apply tools and techniques for the design, configuration, and implementation of projects, ensuring compliance with both requirements and objectives. From the ideation and planning to the implementation, monitoring and closure of the project, students become competent managers. Furthermore, they guarantee both planning and compliance with the project's objectives within the established deadlines and budgets.
This Specialist Certification provides students with the right skills to thrive in the planning, supply, manufacturing, logistics, and distribution areas. It also builds competences to use different management models and techniques together with related information technologies, in order to streamline processes. As strategies focused on efficiency and productivity, our students maximize customer satisfaction and respond to the continuous changes of the market demand and environment.
This Specialist Certification provides students with strong knowledge to lead innovation projects for products and processes. Proficiency in technological tools for the design, simulation, conventional and digital manufacturing, as well as process automation, make our students capable enough to manage innovation projects with a sustainability and eco-design approach.
This Specialist Certification provides students with the right competences to improve business performance through the collection, organization, analysis and use of data. By using techniques and models of prescriptive, predictive, and descriptive analytics, students can read results and make informed decisions. As business intelligence experts, they are more than capable to thrive in different areas in a company.
This Specialist Certification provides students with the right skills to manage different areas in a company. As strategic thinkers, they come up with sustainable solutions using modern tools and technologies in marketing, financial and commercial management, and international trade. Furthermore, students can develop a comprehensive vision that allows them to lead organizations and entrepreneurships efficiently.
Labor Field
Commercial management, sales, logistics, operations, distribution, integrated management systems.
Directorate, operations, warehouse, distribution, procurement, management, human resources, integrated management systems.
Management, planning, production, security, quality, maintenance, logistics, industrial sales, digital transformation
Logistics management, purchasing, warehouse, transportation, maintenance, sale of commodities, security.
Management, teaching, planning, consultancy, research, integrated management systems.
Project management, finance, business operations, logistics, consultancy, integrated management system, human resources.
Management, corporate banking, quality, financial planning, systems, strategic planning, human resources, security, logistics.
Management in service, quality and customer service, finance, human resources, and commercial systems areas.
Consultancy, creation of production companies of goods and services.
Operations management, business-industrial, integrated management systems, finance, logistics, human resources.
Management, research, data analysis, planning, consultancy, project management, integrated management systems.
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It is a non-profit civil organization comprising Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Universidad del Pacífico, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia and Universidad de Lima. This partnership allows students from these four institutions to access academic and university services, premises, validated courses, and credit equality for courses taken in any university of this Consortium.
Optional second international bachelor's degree
Universidad de Lima offers students the opportunity to develop in global environments, enhance their networking, and live an international experience through the optional second international bachelor’s degree programs.
University of London
Thanks to the agreement between Universidad de Lima and University of London (UOL), internationally recognized for its high academic standards, students can obtain a second international bachelor’s degree without leaving the country: Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. This program is available to students from all undergraduate programs at Universidad de Lima.
The Publishing Fund publishes works that reflect intellectual output and research carried out by Ulima professors. The final goal is to connect with the community through the dissemination of ideas and knowledge from different disciplines. Learn more about our faculty publications.
Find online all academic output from members of the Industrial Engineering Undergraduate Program. Click on each item for further content.
Since 1992, the goal of Ingeniería Industrial journal has been disseminating research results, as well as providing technical and scientific information related to this field. The target audience is businesspeople from all production sectors, professors, and students of this discipline.
Through an industrial barometer, Universidad de Lima and Sociedad Nacional de Industrias join efforts to present the first Digital Maturity Index (DMI) in Peru.
Nadia Rodríguez Rodríguez
Miguel Shinno Huamaní
Program Director
Lincoln Betalleluz Pallardel
Academic Secretary
Karen Urquizo Baldarrago
Academic Secretariat Support
Jonatan La Cruz Chacón
Academic Secretariat Support
Daniel Collazos Acosta
Academic Secretariat Support
Quality and Sustainability Coordination Support
Elsie Bonilla Pastor
Quality and Sustainability Coordinator
Guillermo Davies Oré
Quality and Sustainability Coordination Support
Juan Carlos Quiroz Flores
Academic Degrees and Professional Titles Coordinator
Edilberto Miguel Ávalos Ortecho
Research and Publication Coordinator
Claudia León Chavarri
Internationalization Coordinator
Rocío Ávila Gonzales
Internship Coordinator
Evelyn Mezarina Beltrán
Events and Projects Coordinator
Franklin Blanco Manosalva
General Laboratory Coordinator
Ruth Vásquez Rivas Plata
Engineering Management Area Coordinator
Herminia Violeta Chávarri Marín
Engineering Sciences Area Coordinator
Ezilda Cabrera Gil Grados
Operations and Systems Research Area Coordinator
Eduardo Cieza de León Tuesta
Manufacturing Engineering Area Coordinator
Gino Viacava Campos
Operations and Supply Chain Area Coordinator
Rafael Chávez Ugaz
Engineering Design Area Coordinator
Luis Baba Nakao
He holds an undergraduate degree from Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería and an MBA from Instituto Técnico de Administración de Empresas (ITAE). He has served as Chairman at Corporación Financiera de Desarrollo (COFIDE) and Fondo Nacional de Medio Ambiente (FONAM). He has also been member of the Board of Directors at CONASEV, Corporación Andina de Fomento (CAF) and Petroperú, as well as advisor of Chase Manhattan Bank, Banco de Tokio and Matsushita Electric. Nakao is currently the Chairman at Diviso Grupo Financiero and member of boards of directors in finance, investment, industry, and trade.
Enrique Pajuelo Escobar
Master in Business Administration from ESAN. Industrial Engineer from Universidad de Lima. Remarkable businessman in the Peruvian construction sector. He also created the Committee for Construction Formalization. Pajuelo has also served as Chairman at CONFIEP and Asociación Perú 2021, as well as founder of Asociación de Ladrilleros y Cerámicos. He is the current Director at Capeco and CEO of Ladrillos Fortes.
George Schofield Bonello
Graduate studies in the University of North Carolina, Vanderbilt University, University of Colorado, Universidad ESAN and Universidad de Piura. Industrial Engineer from Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería. He served as CEO at Universal Textil. Professor and businessman. Between 2004 and 2006, Schofield was Chairman at Sociedad Nacional de Industrias (SNI). He currently works as consultant for companies and institutions.
Percy Vigil Vidal
Master in Administration from Universidad ESAN. He has completed the Senior Management Program (PAD) at Universidad de Piura. Industrial Engineer from Universidad de Lima. CEO at Grupo Parque Arauco de Chile, Grupo Jiménez Dicobelsa, Henkel and Marketing Director at Molitalia. He is the current CEO of Desarrollos Panamericana and Director of Corfid, Chema Perú, Coolbox Perú, Cantol, Metalmark, Lindcorp and Clínica Anglo Americana.
María del Carmen Fedalto Bernal
MBA from Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, with marketing graduate studies from Universidad ESAN. Industrial Engineer from Universidad de Lima. Specialization studies in sales, logistics, strategy, and organization. She has served as General Manager of DHL Perú and Centro de Servicios Compartidos PRIOX from Grupo Romero. Fedalto has also led different organizations such as Apese and Cladec. She is currently the Executive President of G4S Security Services (Peru and Bolivia), member of YPO, director of Ciudadanos al Día and active member of OWIT.
Mariella Freire Ganoza
MBA from Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, with training in Harvard Business School. Industrial Engineer from Universidad de Lima. Over 28 years of experience in the field. Freire has worked in different sectors such as information technologies, digital transformation, and business strategies. She also fulfilled leadership positions at IBM Perú and Synopsis, and served as Operations Director at Women in Tech. She is the current CEO of LHH DBM Perú.
Systems Compilation of the most outstanding works from our students. This repository's goal is to boost the research spirit and disseminate contributions produced by Ulima community members.
Our professors not only excel for their academic and professional track record, but also for their vocation of teaching and promotion of ethical and critical education. Through their work, Ulima professors foster the development of knowledge, research, and social commitment to train leaders with positive impacts on society.
The International Congress on Industrial Engineering presents research results and real solutions from emerging technologies and artificial intelligence. These not only contribute to the industrial arena, but also to the development of modern technological opportunities from the University.
These conferences address different case studies and aspects of industry 4.0, as well as the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Based on data intelligence and IoT, these Fourth Revolution is called to transform economic and social processes. Conferences are as follows: Fabricación Digital y Robótica 4.0, Food Industry 4.0, Moda Sostenible 4.0, Supply Chain 4.0 and IA y ML en la Industria 4.0
During these meetings, the most outstanding Industrial Engineering grads from Universidad de Lima share their experiences and talk about the global challenges of industrial engineers across the globe. Learn more about our grads' success stories and find out more about these meetings in our agenda.
During these conferences, we will learn more about business intelligence tools to apply in our business practice. To learn more, check our agenda.
Engineering Wednesdays are regular activities focused on different specializations and areas of interest in this field. These events promote professional updating and exchange of knowledge between students, professors, and experts of the industry. Furthermore, it is the perfect avenue to discuss relevant issues, showcase projects, and present specialized workshops that will contribute towards the comprehensive development of future engineers.
Lifelong Learning
Keep your competences, skills and knowledge updated throughout your entire professional life.
Our master's and doctoral programs focus on training interdisciplinary professionals who promote innovation, entrepreneurship and research.
The Executive Education Bureau (DEC) at Universidad de Lima offers workshops, courses, and specialization programs to train executives, professionals, and businesspeople in specific management areas.
If you wish to study abroad, this is the right place to find all relevant information about scholarships and academic opportunities.
Ulima Language Center provides students with the right tools and knowledge to communicate in English in different situations. Below you can find some of our programs: