Accounting and Finance
The Accounting and Finance Undergraduate Program trains highly demanded professionals for the market of industrial, commercial, consulting and business advisory service companies, thanks to their proven efficiency in information management and high capacity to make right decisions in financial, tax and control areas.
Professionals with suitable skills on financial, accounting, tax and control areas. Fully capable of designing, planning, developing and implementing strategic solutions within global environments.
We train professionals who stand out in global economic environments with solid knowledge in accounting and finance. They are ready to make strategic decisions through a thorough analysis of information, supported by high ethical standards that contribute towards both the welfare and sustainability of organizations and society at large.
Be one of the accounting and finance undergraduate programs in Latin America recognized due to its academic excellence. Train well-rounded professionals who stand out for their skills to transform organizations through their strategic financial vision, critical thinking, leadership skills, and bold ethical commitment.
It provides a strong background on accounting theories, as well as its application and research, through the use of specialized software.
Los alumnos de la Carrera de Contabilidad y Finanzas que tengan la condición de egresado podrán solicitar el grado académico de bachiller. Posteriormente, con este, podrán presentar su solicitud para optar por el título profesional de contador público.
Para ver el Reglamento General de Grados y Títulos, clic aquí.
Videotutorial: ¿Qué sigue después de terminar la carrera?
Al cierre del periodo académico, los alumnos que hayan cumplido con todas las asignaturas obligatorias y los créditos exigidos en el plan de estudios de la carrera pasan automáticamente a la condición de egresados y recibirán un correo informativo de DUSAR.
Para mayor información, clic aquí.
Videotutorial: ¿Cómo solicitar la constancia de egresado?
Para tramitar el grado académico de bachiller, primero se debe tener la condición de egresado de la Carrera de Contabilidad y Finanzas.
Para mayor información, haga clic en la opción de su interés:
El título profesional de contador público será otorgado luego de la aprobación de alguna de las submodalidades de titulación correspondientes a las modalidades de tesis o trabajo de suficiencia profesional que se indican en los lineamientos complementarios para la obtención del grado de bachiller y del título profesional.
Para acceder a alguna de estas submodalidades de titulación, debe acreditarse el grado académico de bachiller en Contabilidad y Finanzas por la Universidad de Lima y el cumplimiento de los requisitos establecidos.
Para ver las líneas de investigación de la Carrera de Contabilidad y Finanzas, clic aquí.
Modalidad A: Tesis
- Tesis en formato tradicional o artículo de investigación desarrollado a partir de las asignaturas autorizadas (dirigida a recién egresados). Para más información, clic aquí.
- Tesis en formato tradicional o artículo de investigación desarrollado a partir de una nueva investigación.
- Artículo de investigación aceptado o publicado en una revista o congreso académico indexado (dirigida a recién egresados).
Modalidad B: Trabajo de suficiencia profesional
- Proyecto profesional
- Sustentación de caso
- Informe de experiencia profesional calificada
Para más información sobre las modalidades y submodalidades de titulación, clic aquí.
Una vez aprobada la submodalidad de titulación correspondiente, se debe proporcionar a la Oficina de Grados y Títulos los siguientes documentos debidamente llenados y firmados:
- Autorización de publicación de trabajos de investigación en el Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Lima para obtener un grado académico o título profesional.
- Declaración jurada de originalidad.
Para mayor información sobre la solicitud del diploma de título profesional, clic aquí.
Videotutorial: Proceso de obtención del diploma de título profesional
La Carrera de Contabilidad y Finanzas cuenta con tres diplomas de especialidad. Haga clic en cada uno para conocer la malla curricular correspondiente:
- Diploma en Contabilidad Financiera y Auditoría
- Diploma en Finanzas Corporativas
- Diploma en Tributación
Los siguientes son los requisitos para su otorgamiento:
- Tener el grado académico de bachiller.
- Haber obtenido un promedio ponderado no menor a 13,00 en el conjunto de asignaturas exigidas para la obtención del diploma.
- Haber aprobado todas las asignaturas del diploma, como máximo, en una segunda vez.
Los bachilleres de la Carrera de Contabilidad y Finanzas que cumplan con los requisitos para obtener un diploma de especialidad podrán solicitarlo desde Mi Ulima.
Para mayor información, clic aquí.
Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales y Económicas
Oficina de Grados y Títulos
Edificio D2, primer piso
Atención de lunes a viernes de 9.00 a 13.00 horas y de 14.00 a 19.00 horas
Teléfono 4376767 anexo 34013
This Specialist Certification provides students with specific competences and skills to evaluate, analyze, and submit informed valuable opinions about the financial integrity of organizations. It also prepares students to carry out auditing services and lead multidisciplinary task forces with high ethical, integrity and autonomy standards.
This Specialist Certification provides students with the right skills to manage financial aspects efficiently and make strategic decisions that generate value and sustainability, endorsed by an appropriate ethical and corporate governance within a business environment.
This Specialist Certification provides students with specific competences to critically assess the tax legislation and enforce it in business contexts, in order to make decisions that create value in the tax sphere and respond to the local and international regulations in terms of taxation and corporate matters. It also builds the necessary competences to comply with tax obligations, interpret regulations applicable to different sectors, manage complex fiscal situations, design fiscal planning strategies, and understand the international taxation in compliance with the ethical standards, transparency, and corporate sustainability.
Labor Field
Financial auditor, internal auditor, forensic auditor, government auditor, fraud investigator.
Accounting director, financial accountant, accounting manager.
Fiscal advisor or consultant, tax manager, tax auditor, fiscal inspector, tax compliance supervisor, tax planning consultant, tax expert.
CFO, financial manager, expert in company valuation, expert in economic-financial analysis.
Planning director, management control head, controller.
Forensic accountant, accounting expert, expert in financial disputes.
Compliance audit director, internal control manager, expert in regulatory compliance, risk manager.
Accounting firm partner, independent financial advisor or consultant, independent tax advisor or consultant, independent public accountant, accounting and financial consultant, business consultant.
Bank accountant, financial risk manager, credit manager, financial compliance director.
No results found
It is a non-profit civil organization comprising Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Universidad del Pacífico, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia and Universidad de Lima. This partnership allows students from these four institutions to access academic and university services, premises, validated courses, and credit equality for courses taken in any university of this Consortium.
Optional second international bachelor's degree
Universidad de Lima offers students the opportunity to develop in global environments, enhance their networking, and live an international experience through the optional second international bachelor’s degree programs.
University of Queensland
Universidad de Lima joins efforts with University of Queensland (UQ) to give the students from the Faculty of Business and Economics the chance to pursue studies in this renowned Australian institution and obtain the Bachelor of Business Management majoring in Marketing, International Business and others.
Information: Antonio Esquivel Delfín (
École Supérieure de Commerce – Clermont
Students from the Faculty of Business and Economics at Universidad de Lima are eligible to study in the École Supérieure de Commerce – Groupe ESC Clermont in France for an entire year and obtain the Bachelor in International Management.
Information: Manuela Linares (
University of London
Thanks to the agreement between Universidad de Lima and University of London (UOL), internationally recognized for its high academic standards, students can obtain a second international bachelor’s degree without leaving the country: Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. This program is available to students from all undergraduate programs at Universidad de Lima.
The Publishing Fund publishes works that reflect intellectual output and research carried out by Ulima professors. The final goal is to connect with the community through the dissemination of ideas and knowledge from different disciplines. Learn more about our faculty publications.
Find online all academic output from members of the Accounting and Finance Undergraduate Program. Click on each item for further content.
- Accounting and Finance books in the Publishing Fund
- Accounting and Finance thesis: bachelor's degree and professional title
Open-access academic publication that disseminates research results—theoretical and empirical—in the economics and business sciences area.
Fernando Fukunaga Fuentes
Academic Degrees and Professional Titles Coordinator
T (511) 4376767 extension 34019
Compilation of the most outstanding works from our students. This repository's goal is to boost the research spirit and disseminate contributions produced by Ulima community members.
Our professors not only excel for their academic and professional track record, but also for their vocation of teaching and promotion of ethical and critical education. Through their work, Ulima professors foster the development of knowledge, research, and social commitment to train leaders with positive impacts on society.
This program is an extracurricular proposal for college students. The National Superintendence of Customs and Tax Administration (SUNAT) is in charge of training students in tax culture, taxation and customs (imports and exports), development of soft skills, and social responsibility. So far, we have 12 graduating classes with 350 students from different undergraduate programs specialized in NAF.
This is the flagship event of the Accounting and Finance Undergraduate Program. Thanks to our strategic partnerships with the largest professional services networks in the world (Big Four) and accounting-tax firms, we have created a space where participants receive updated relevant information of partners and managers from these renowned organizations. This allows a permanent analysis of key regulations that affect both results and continuity of companies.
The Accounting and Finance Undergraduate Program organizes an academic mission (academic trip) annually, where students have the chance to explore different cultural perspectives and global contexts. This trip will broaden student's knowledge and complete their academic and cultural training. Furthermore, it is an avenue to increase their networking for future professional opportunities.
Lifelong Learning
Keep your competences, skills and knowledge updated throughout your entire professional life.
Our master's and doctoral programs focus on training interdisciplinary professionals who promote innovation, entrepreneurships and research.
The Executive Education Bureau (DEC) at Universidad de Lima offers workshops, courses, and specialization programs to train executives, professionals, and businesspeople in specific management areas.
If you wish to study abroad, this is the right place to find all relevant information about scholarships and academic opportunities.
Ulima Language Center provides students with the right tools and knowledge to communicate in English in different situations. Below you can find some of our programs: