WPPSI-R - Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (Escala de Inteligencia para Preescolares y Primaria)

IMX-03-R (Ing.)
Año de publicación: 
The Psychological Corporation, New York

Medida de la inteligencia: Cociente General de Inteligencia, Cociente Verbal y Ejecutivo.

Tipo de aplicación: 
Rango de aplicación: 
Niños de 3 a 7 años, 3 meses

90 minutos

Adaptaciones o Baremos: 
Puntuaciones Estándar, Cocientes Intelectuales y Percentiles

The WPPSI-R is organized much like the original WPPSI, whit one group of primarily perceptual – motor (Performance) subtests and a second group of Verbal subtests. Scores on the Performance and Verbal subtests yield the Performance IQ ante the Verbal IQ, respectively; scores on both groups combined yield the Full IQ. This edition was administered to over 2,100 children, including the 1, 700 children used for norming and an over-sample of 400 minority children used to investigate item bias. Included 11 subtest, five Performance and six Verbal (one of these was designated as optional or supplementary). The WPPSI-R includes the original 11 subtests, but a sixth Performance subtests, Object Assemby, was added to make the revised scale more closely comparable to the WISC-R. Of these 12 subtests, two have been designated as optional: Sentences and Animal Pegs (called “Animal House” in WPPSI).

David Wechsler